Bacon is falls fav comfort food. Using it in this recipe really elevates the dish...
This Bacon Cauliflower wth bacon and ranch recipe is a great addition to your Fall recipe rotation for the friends and family. It has the two things people love, bacon and ranch. Bacon goes with everything and after you try this dish you will definitely agree:
International bacon day is August 30th
Cauliflower can sometimes be a vegetable that can seem daunting because it does not pair well with a lot of other dishes. The bacon and ranch compliment the flavor of the healthy vegetables. If you have a picky eater when it comes to this vegetable, this dish could change their mind. Let me know in the comment section how it turns out.
Roasted Cauliflower with bacon & ranch Recipe
4 Cups Cauliflower florets
1/3 Cup classic ranch dressing
6-10 slices of cooked and crumbled bacon (set bacon grease aside)
2 green onions- thinly sliced
1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder
1/2 Tablespoon bacon grease
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
Cooking Directions
Break down florets & wash
Toss with ranch dressing
Add garlic powder, salt, an pepper
Spread onto foil-covered rimmed baking sheet.
Bake at 450F for 20 minutes, or until tender.
Place in a medium bowl.
Add the crumbled bacon bits, the bacon grease and sliced green onions; mix lightly.
Enjoy your Roasted Cauliflower with bacon & ranch Recipe
Serves: 6