This post is dedicated to Chef Edna Lewis and her Culinary Genius

February has been a month filled with inspiration and love. My first post was dedicated to African American Chefs Zephyr Wright and Abby Fisher.
In this post, I wanted to acknowledge one wonderful black American chef who changed the trajectory of American cuisine, while fighting for Civil rights. Mrs. Edna Lewis. She is one of the most influential figures in modern Southern cooking.

She is also a renowned author and Chef. Chef Lewis grew up on a farm where she first learned how to cook. She made her way to the big city and cooked in a cafe in Manhattan.
Chef Lewis is celebrated for her Southern cooking with her emphasis on farm-to-table eating. This not only influenced black cuisine but deeply impacted America, making it an inclusive history-making moment.
African American Culinary Spotlight
This recipe is from Chef Edna Lewis it is her Sweet Green Peas and Explorer Potatoes in Cream Sauce.
African American Culinary Spotlight

Sweet Green Peas and Explorer Potatoes in Cream Sauce Recipe

3 cups of shelled peas (about 3 pounds)
1 cup tiny Explorer potatoes
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoon sugar
1 bunch of chervil leaves and stems
1 cup heavy cream
1 Tablespoon of butter
Cooking Directions
Rinse and drain the peas.
With a knife scrape the potatoes clean and cook them in a saucepan of boiling salted water to cover.
Remove after 15 minutes
Plunge the peas into another pan of boiling water seasoned with the sugar.
Add the chervil and do not cover.
Boil rapidly until the peas are done and the hulls are tender.
drain, and return them to the pan.
Add the potatoes
Pour in the heavy cream, and cook gently without boiling (15-20 minutes) until potatoes are tender.
Add a Tablespoon of butter.
Stir and serve hot.
Garnish with finely cut chervil leaves.
Serves 4